Mental health resources
Therapy and Programs
***Dr. Demartini - Breakthrough experience (~$1K)
We hear you - suicide survivors support group (See Video)
Safespace.in - suicide prevention consulting for individuals and families
Dealing with Adversity by Victor Cheng
Living from a place of Surrender by Michael A. Singer
***The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
**Waking the Tiger - Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine
***Rewire Your Anxious Brain by Catherine M. Pittman
**When the Body Says No - The cost of hidden stress by Dr. Gabor Mate
Capture - Unraveling mental suffering by David Kessler
Fear of the Abyss by Aleta Edwards
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Dr. Bruce D. Perry
It Didn't Start with You - How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle by Mark Wolyn
**How to know a person by David Brooks
Emotions revealed by Paul Ekman
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
The Untethered Soul and Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer
Bhagvadgita - As it is
Videos (Mostly available on YT)
Why we need to talk about Suicide by Mark H.
Lessons from Mental Hospital by Glennon D.
The cultural taboos of suicide and mental illness by John N.
Suicide: Quelling the perfect storm by Chris C.
Depression is a disease of civilization by Stephen I.
Understanding and forgiving suicide by Rachel B.
Prolonged grief creates disease within 3 months and how to meditate for loved one who's gone
Other weblinks
As I've got to know after going through diverse kind of resources on mental health in the last few months of research for making sense of death from suicide, there is chance that if a person with mental illness gets relevant knowledge, correct diagnosis and treatment in time, there is a high likelihood they could recover and a precious life and grief to so many families and friends could be averted. If I had come across something like this, as you are coming across this, maybe 'Our Story' could have been different. Will try to keep updating the resources list as and when.
Please use and implement any of the above mental health resources only after due diligence and consulting qualified medical professionals.